Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Just one day!

-I got the idea to do just one day of perfection from a fellow blogger, so I can't take the credit for it! -
I haven't been that great with my diet lately. Not horrible, but it's been a few chips here, a cookie there, a slice of pizza over there....ya know what I mean! So I am committing myself to one day. One day of nothing but healthy food. No juice, no pop, no chips, no cookies. I need that fresh start again, to re-motivate myself. So since I already ate the kids leftover lunch, plus my own lunch, tomorrow will be that day. I challenge you to join me in this quest. Nothing but feel good, healthy foods tomorrow. Do you accept the challenge?

Thankfully I have been keeping up with my workouts. But the scale is reflecting my bad eating habits, and I might not see a loss this week. But, I'm not going to dwell on the past, rather focus on the present and future and do the best that I can!

The 10k is on Sunday, only a few days away. I can't lie, I don't think I'm prepared enough. I know I was really nervous before my first 5k, so it makes sense that I'm nervous again, I guess.....


  1. Tomorrow? Nothing but goodness? I'll give it a shot. As long as you promise too! I want to hear what you are eating. You always make veggies sound so appealing. Mine sure don't look that appealing. Any secrets on making them sexy?

  2. hhhmmmm, well my favourite is toast with peanut butter and sliced cucumber, so that's what I'll be having for lunch. yum yum.
